Sunday, October 5, 2008

The Classic City

We enjoyed a day in the Classic City. I got to visit some of my old favorite places!
Can you say Inoko express and their sexy sauce? Y'all know what I'm talking about..
couldn't go to Athens without going to my 5 points Jittery spot. I spent a many nights studying in this coffee house and also meeting with incredible mentors to help grow me in my relationship with the Lord!
Introducing Rody to downtown Athens...this is probably the most sat on bulldog- I couldn't think about all the potential germs on this dog...
And the arches of course..
And we got to see the Shepherds! They are on staff with AIA at UGA. Randy did his internship wit AIA and Scott was one of the officiants at our wedding...
I moved to Athens when I was 18! And then I moved from Athens when I was 26. I spent 8, yes 8 years of my life there! I attended school and was an athlete there, and then started my professional career there as well.
I met my husband there and we got married there...what a place! I miss it so much and would love to live there- both Randy and I would love to live there- so many opportunities for ministry as well.
Things I miss the most:
1) the much fun
2) the people/memories
3) Jittery Joes
4) baxter street Chick-fil-A
5) the incredible IM fields and all the other fun places to run or walk
6) Sunday nights at the Rogers' house...
What do YOU miss about Athens?


kristymasterson said...

i miss...
a)Inoko express
b)Ramsey center
c)Fall days walking from class to class
d)spending lots of time by myself in a coffee shop
e)game day run

Katie said...

The thing I miss most about Athens is YOU living there! I was just wearing my Jittery's shirt on Saturday thinking about Athens...

morgan collins said...

1. inoko express
2. five star day
3. taco stand
4. the grit
5. being able to eat a filling meal at all of these places for around 5 bucks.

so basically I miss the food:)