Thursday, November 13, 2008

the snot **update**

Hey Y'all!
Okay. I stayed home on Wednesday to care for my boys...Rody went to the doctor in the morning and has an ear infection in his left ear. He is taking yummy antibiotics for it. Pretty sick- he woke up with dried green snot under his nose and on his face- nice...poor baby!

Randy is feeling a little better- just lots of rest and TLC needed.

Now I am not feeling so well--but I am at work nonetheless...can't wait for the weekend!

Oh, and I've gotten some good advice on the biting issue. But, thankfully, it did not happen yesterday.


morgan collins said...

glad you got the biting taken care of...that does not make me want to be a mom:)

Stacy said...

Hope you guys start to feeling better soon! :)

The Watsons said...

I hope the boys are better by the weekend so that Mommy can have a down-day.

Get well, Barnetts!!