This is Part II....Read Part I below first! (well, if you want to...I'm not being bossy or anything!)
I've thought about this moment many times in Rody's 11.75 months! I wanted to soak in every moment, every memory and really live it...I know these sweet time are fleeting....we weren't sure how he would respond to his cake...
A little apprehensive at first...which is typical Rody...if he doesn't know you, he will give you a good look over before he approves....
He must of thought it a was a game at first...he would touch the cake, then clap...this went on for about a minute...
I actually made him this little cake and sprinked on the sprinkles in the shape of a number 1...did you see it???
Finally, he gets a taste of the goodness that is cake and icing, and he starts to dig totally focused, digging in...
Trying to put as much in his mouth as he can....