I've always been amazed by the night sky. From the moon to the stars, I often stand in awe of God over the creativity of His hands. Astronomy is one of my favorite subjects to teach. I never took an astronomy class, but I was a fast learner once I knew I had to teach it! I was just sure I was going to have a kid know more about the subject than me and I wasn't going to let that happen! Ha!
I find a strong tie between astronomical things and Biblical things. The Bible speaks of the sun, moon, and stars...about how God made them and how He calls them out one by one...I am awe struck when I read words alluding to that.
I saw these two pictures this week and I immediately thought about God reaching out, one more time, through his Love, to humanity. He uses us humans to spread his Love and I am all too guilty of not taking advantage of those situations...forgive me, Lord. Your truth and love change lives; they change me everyday. However, your creation speaks to us as well. Thank you for that reminder through the following photos.
"The heavens declare the glory of God, and the sky proclaims the work of His hands. Day after day they pour out speech; night after night they communicate knowledge. Their message has gone out to all the earth, and their words to the ends of the inhabited world" Psalm 19:1-4
The hand of God reaching down....
The crown of thorns placed upon His head...And by His wounds, we are healed.Thank you Lord Jesus for the true meaning of Easter. Let that truth marinate in our souls, overflow from our hearts, and manifest itself in our actions.