Thursday, May 15, 2008

Blogging for a living!

So, I was watching some morning news show last week and they were profiling women who stay home and blog for a living...seriously. So, I was intrigued because, as you can see, I love to blog and I also would love to stay at home with our children (well, child right now).
Anyways, there were a whole bunch of ladies attending a bloggers conference ( I know, but it is for real) and the basic premise is that these women just blog about everyday life--and lots of people read about it. Once companies who have something to advertise take notice, then they contact the blogger and want to advertise on their blog site!
cha ching!
So, I need like thousands of people to start reading my blog and we can be all set. What do you think? Will you be one of my readers to help me stay at home and blog all day? Okay, okay, that is not all I will do- I guess I'll make dinner each night as well! :)
It is early this morning..7am which is early for Rody and I- I have 4 more days till I go back to work for 2 weeks on Monday. I want to enjoy each moment! I put him in a new outfit today- a 3 month old outfit -and I love it!

Don't you think "red becomes him?"

And eventhough you always see pictures of him sitting in his boppy, I promise you that is not what he does all day! We hold him so much, but not too much, and he loves tummy time...
Actually, last night on his tummy he rolled over 3 times from belly to back! We were so excited and even got one of the rolls on film..he was 7 weeks old yesterday.
Have a great day all you blog readers!

1 comment:

franklins said...

hey! sure, katie, i'll be one of your readers on the blog. i usually look at it everyday anyway. i love it, it's a great way to know how you all are doing when you live so far away and we don't get to see you much. i'm glad randy has finished his paper. bless his heart, i know it was very frustrating and tiring. i know you did a great job with the paper. well, i hope to see you all soon. rody is going to half grown before i even get to meet him. if you haven't already heard, i found out yesterday that i'm having a little girl. i'm going to name her cheyenne rose, after grandma. what do you think? talk to you later.