Well, I am past due. I really don't know why they give you a due date since only 5% of babies are actually born ON their due date. It seems to just mess with momma-to-be's minds (at least mine). I went to the doctor on Thursday and the baby is doing just fine! I am having some contractions, but nothing to actually put me into labor. I am trying to enjoy each and every day, but I admit it is getting a little difficult to just "be in the moment".
Maybe we'll have an Easter baby? We'll see...the moon IS still full tonight. If not, I go to the doctor on Monday to re-evalute what we are going to do. He may induce then, but definitely will not let me go past the 26th or 27th of March. So, either way, today was our last Saturday as a family of 2!
We can't wait to meet baby. I'm going to go for a walk while there is still some daylight left...