We had a battle last night. And the score is : Parents 1, Rody 0
We've gotten in a bad habit of running into Rody's room 20 times a night to stick his pacifier back in his mouth. It got to a breaking point last night. I have to go back to work on Wednesday and Randy is working a night job. So, if we don't nip this now, then I will be running in his room 20 times a night by myself, getting no sleep, and then working all day. YUK!
We decided to....(gasp)....Let Rody cry for 20 minutes before we went in his room.
Now, we are not totally bad parents because we have a VIDEO monitor....thank the Lord for those. So, as we were sitting on the couch trying not to let the crying break down and get me in my motherly instinct mode, we were watching him via video. Thus, nobody was harmed in this experiement.
Rody cried for 20 minutes...with a couple of lulls to which we had our fingers crossed praying that lull was the end. It wasn't. After 20 minutes we went in to console him...pat him and tell him it is ok...and NOT give him the paci.
He cried 5 more minutes, so Randy went in at this point and consoled him...still crying (I'm crying at this point if you are keeping score)...
Then, by the grace of God (seriously), after 35 minutes, the crying stopped and Rody was totally out. It was 10:30 at night and we did not hear a peep until 5:30Am...I went in and fed him, put him back down and didn't hear from him again until 10am...when I had to wake him up for church!
He's been in a fantastic mood today....very happy (which he usually is anyways), but I feel a little more confident tonight. So, when Randy goes to work tonight, we will try again.
I'm not completely sure that we've cured the problem- I"m sure we'll have some more nights like last night, but I pray I don't crack under the pressure when Randy is not here to reassure me!
And you know what? Rody still loved me this morning...yep, he gave me a BIG smile when I went in to wake him up.
It will be OK!