Wednesday, February 27, 2008

I can't find a cool title for this post...

Our baby room is finished! Well, baby room/ guest room (we have a small apartment). My mom and I found this bedspread at Target for like $20 and it was the colors of the baby things, so I bought it and I am so glad I did. It makes the bed goes with the rest of the room much better. Like the curtains? I put those up last night.

This is our glider/rocker and my "nursing" corner. I love it! It is tucked away and I have my birp cloths all ready! I guess I have some anxiety about this topic because of all my crazy dreams seem to surround nursing! So funny...

Here is the crib! I love those canvas pictures on the wall. My mom and I found these at a place called "real deal" in Jefferson, GA. I saw them and immediately thought of a baby boy's room...and the colors are so good. I am so glad my mom picked them up for me!

Randy's parents came for a visit a couple of weekends ago...we had a good time!

Here I am at 9 months pregnant...I don't like to post a lot of pictures of myself at this time...not that flattering! But, Randy looks so cute.

Well, we have about 2 weeks left and it is going by so quickly. My last day of work is March 12th, so I am getting through each day as best I can. We are so excited, but still have not decided on a name. It seems like there are even more names on the table at this point. It is such a big decision! More to come later...

Katie and Randy


Katie said...

The nursery looks cozy and ready for the baby. We are so excited for you guys.

Katie said...

Can we make date, time, weight and length predictions on the blog? Although I am the lone comment person. So somebody else join in...I say March 9th, 9:42AM, 8lbs. 9oz., 21".

V-n-J said...

The baby's room looks so adorable. you guys did a great job. its going to look even better with the little one in there:)