The weather has been BEAUTFIUL this week during my spring break! Very warm for March (80's) and sunny...we've been soaking it up. We've been meeting friends for play dates, going on walks, playing outside...I even got the water table out and introduced AK to it....
Ha ha...this is what I get when I prod and beg for 5 minutes for them both to look up...
I've been cleaning, organizing. As I was doing something, I heard nothing, which alarmed me. I found the kids on their room reading books by was precious!
Anna Kate really loves books right now...which is fun! I love reading to both of them. She will find a book and toddler over to me handing it to me...she really loves Dora books right now--she even pointed out "map" and said "map"...she walked more than she crawled yesterday! She is getting so big...and she is communicating more and more..she has new words all the time..she loves her blankie and I caught her counting "one, two" the other day--it was really precious. She has started shaking her head to my questions--even if she means yes! ha! I've enjoyed this time at home this week--makes me thankful that I am a teacher and have so much time off during the year--
**Another NEW Post below**--it is your lucky day :)