At 11.5 months old, Anna Kate is starting to communicate more and more each day. She is in a big growing phase right now--learning new things and doing new things each day.
For example, last night I had her in the bath with Rody...let me back up...I had Rody in the bath first alone for a few minutes and she could not stand it. I even tried to block her off from the bathroom and she pitched a fit. The minute I turned my back, she had crawled her self into that bathroom and was standing up on the bath. So, I put her in. I let her play. Then I took her out--and she pitched a fit. I had her on my lap and she was reaching for the bath and since that didn't work, she signed "more" I put her in the tub and she was happy as a lark! Until I took her out again and no matter how many more times she signed "more", she did not get her way which was inevitably confusing to her.
She can say "mama", "dada", "good night", pease"
She blows kisses and gives kisses like it is going out of style
She loves to try to feed us and then quickly pull it away and she thinks this is hilarious!
She likes to dance...but she dances sitting down on her booty right now--she definitely shakes it to the music.
She is so much fun right now--I am enjoying this stage so much. She seems to be getting over her stranger anxiety and seems less attached to me overall.
We finished breastfeeding a few weeks ago. She is completely on whole milk and doing great!
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