Wednesday, February 4, 2009


Inspired by my friend's blog, here is a typical schedule for Katie, the working mom.

5:30 Alarm goes off...static like because the channels not right...I hit snooze
5:45 dream land this really real?
5:50 alarm has already gone off 2 more times....static like...I hit snooze
6:00 start to hear rody...gotta get up
6:05 get rody out of cute and snuggly and warm...he wants to point to lights
6:10 still feeding rody...trying not to get him too awake b/c he goes back to sleep
6:15 stand up to burb, place babe on bed to change diaper...he is trying to point to lights
6:17 diaper successfully changed. I open my closet in his room to find out what I am going to wear...crap...all my clothes are on my floor in the other room
6:19 I hold rody and squeeze him tight- tell him how much I love be a good boy for daddy...and that I will see him soon
6:20 try not to cry
6:21 in bedroom with cell phone as a light to try to find clothes to wear...wondering why I wasn't organized enough to pick them out the night for some clean socks
6:25 coffee on...smells good
6:25 in shower...quick one again...never get a long one on the weekdays
6:30 dressed, time to blow dry hair
6:35 Ahh! no time for make up!
6:37 I have 5 minutes to make an egg sandwhich...I wanted to sit down and pray this morning and read my Bible...sorry, Lord...let's talk in the car!
6:40 turn off lights...quietly turn on monitor for rody's door so randy can hear him
6:45 turn car on window
6:46 defrost on high, hot, katie cold, outside, scraping window
6:50 on the road's dark...and road rage has already started...pray I don't almost hit a homeless man crossing the street (seriously...I'll tell this story one day- almost happened. Scare him and me to death)
35 minute commute...
7:25 long drop off it cool and don't let anyone see you singing to the radio
7:30 in my classroom...this is more like home to me than anywhere else...
7:33 computer on, emails checked, getting ready for first sweet 12 year old faces
7:40 bell rings here we go!

Ok...for those of you interested in this saga continuing, let me know and I will document the rest of my day! And I will do a weekend...Sunday for instance...those are always fun :)


kristymasterson said...

yes, i like this... i am all for it!

shea said...

yes, please!