7:45 bell rings...class as usual...a 6th grade girl asks "what are we doing today"
7:46 another 6th grade girls asks "what are we doing today?"
7:47 I finally say "I'll tell you once everyone is in here and the bell rings"
I do this 4 X a day on average...
11:15 break...pump...
11:45 Lunch
12:15 pump sometimes here too
12:45 advisory time..more 6th grade girls
2:46 bell rings...done teaching
2:47 get milk out of fridge and attempt drive home
3:00 in car...call Randy...call Laurin...call people
3:45 Home
3:46 open door..."rody" mommy's home!
3:47 baby permenately attached to my left hip for the next 30 minutes
4pm "Where's mommy? There she is!"
4:30 snack time...puffs, water, maybe some cheese
5pm No, Rody, don't try to put your finger in the light socket!
5:30 dinner time for Rody!
5:31 heat it up, put him in the walker
6pm messy, clean up, diaper change, shewee!
6:30 survival mode, have I eaten yet?
7pm play on the floor..where's rody?
7:30 baby getting tired...bed time yet?
7:55 naked baby time! diaper off...baby crawling and walking around now!
8pm bath water on...warm
8:01 baby in bath, toys
8:15 still splashing
8:20 wave bye, bye water
8:30 dry off, diaper, jammies
8:35 nurse
8:40 still nursing
8:50 night, night daddy
8:55 thumb in mouth, mommy rocking baby, bedtime story
9:00 Jesus loves me, in crib, fast asleep
9:05 check email, facebook, some blogs
9:30 brush teeth, jammies, turn on baby monitor
10pm eyes shut, dark, zzzz...
A typical day in the life of Katie Barnett!
There are some times when the day is not so predictable...like on Sunday when I sturggled to get Rody to sleep for 1 hour, just to go in his room and find poop everywhere...yes, everywhere. Apparently he pooped and it was the "up the back" kind, he got his hands in it and preceeded to get it on the sheets, bumper, blankets, etc...I had a good time cleaning that up!
I'm tired just writing that!