Monday, September 28, 2009


UPDATE: talked to randy this morning around 11am...he said that he got Rody up this morning, changed his diaper, then rody started saying "mama", "mama"...Randy told him I wasn't there, but rody started walking into every room asking for me...once he got through the house, randy said he sat down and started bawling!! Oh, my heart...Rody and I had a great "connection" weekend...and he really noticed that I wasn't there this morning...sweet boy!

Saturday was a day of numbers.

Rody turned 18 months

I turned 21 weeks pregnant

10 total pounds have been gained in this pregnancy (I'm not saying by who, just 10 total pounds..)

I took some super cute pics of Rody, but will have to post them later...right now I am at work sweltering in my room because the air conditioner guy didn't turn on the AC at our school until approx. 9:30 this morning.

Rody's "new" words: trash, moon, boots, lawnmower, and he takls a lot of new things, but they only make sense to randy and I...
He follows directions beautifully...loves to help clean up...will ask for things and automatically sign please and thinks he gets it...pituful...he was playing with sidewalk chalk and decided to throw it, which made it break into 2 pieces..he brought the pieces to me, signed broke my heart to explain to him that I do not have the ability to put 2 pieces of chalk back together so next time don't throw them...

We took him out to a field at Lee University on Friday night and had a blast playing with the soccer ball and football...just running around...saying "score", then eating some ice cream...which is also one of his words, but not so new...

He is just so much fun. I enjoyed him so much this weekend. It makes going back to work on Monday mornings more difficult...

Monday, September 21, 2009


We had a wonderful weekend in Nashville, TN! We met Randy's parents for the weekend and explored our state's capitol...while having some fun in the fountains after our trek through the farmer's market...
Rody was the entertainment for many...there were a few people watching him play, enjoying his screams of delight...

Grandma Debbie introducted Rody to cheese puffs...they were a hit!
The capitol building up on the hill

More fountain fun....

Fun with daddy...

Friday, September 18, 2009

In case you did not know

I seem to be anti-blogging these days. I think most of those who read my blog are also facebook friends, so you may already know this. But, if not, then we found out last week that baby barnett #2 is a
Yes, girl. Due February 6th.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Great Grandma Spalding

We got to spend my Dad's birthday with him on Sunday, September 6th..the day we got back from was a great time seeing my parents, Aunt Monica (who lives in England and has never met Rody), and my cousin Laura & her husband Jason (who have never met Randy OR Rody)...
Rody enjoying the cake...

Laura's BIG dog, Jeeves, who Rody LOVED...and he was really good with Rody too!

We headed to Athens on Labor Day so Rody could meet his great grandmother (his only great grandparent still living)...

Here is our 4 generation pic!

Rody was a hit with all the residents..shaking everyone's hand!


We had a blast in Savannah! Being away from Rody for 2 nights was hard, but we filled out time with lots of fun...
And we got to hang out with Pey and Ian!
Kara's wedding was beautiful. Savannah was a great destination wedding for them....
College buds...Pey, me, Kara, Yo
After about 3 hours of dancing the night away...I have some hilarious pics...most of which I will not post publically on the blog as to protect those involved..ha ha..