Sunday, April 19, 2009

Yard Sale

What a weekend! It all started about a month ago when Randy and I cleaned out all of our storage and separated what we wanted to keep and what we would like to sell at some point. We knew we wanted a yard sale, but did not know when we would do it.....
Well, Randy called me at work on Friday and thought Saturday would be a good day...I agreed. However, I had a track meet Friday night and did not get home until 7pm, then we were up till about midnight getting some stuff ready...woke up at 5:40 AM to start putting things on the lawn...not without a run to chick-fil-A and some coffee though
Do y'all know how much hard work a yard sale takes? With a 12 month old to worry about too??? Our first buyers arrived at 7:30 AM and it was constant until about 1:30AM. We had Rody out there with us most of the time- contained either in the backpack or pack-n-play! Many people asked "how much for the baby" to which we replied "priceless"....

Since Rody is such a late sleeper, we woke him up earlier than normal, thus he got real tired around 11am...and fell asleep as I carried him in the sweet!

I tell you meet some intersting people at yard sales as well...But, it was worth it! We profitted several hundred dollars so it was well worth the time!
We then enjoyed a wonderful evening with our neighbors, Jerry and Oscar. Jerry made an awesome meal for us and after Rody went down, we ended up staying up and chatting with them late into the night. I love hearing their stories...we talked about so many things- their families, how they met, how Oscar proposed, their relationship with their own parents and siblings---I was in tears so many times just thinking about similar things myself. One question that struck me was when Randy asked them if they still miss their parents (who have been dead for 40-50 years)...Jerry replied "Oh, yes. All the time. That is something deep inside you that all children feel for their parents"...
My eyes just welled up with tears for two reasons. One, thinking about my parents and how I would feel in that situation. Secondly, about I want him to know how much Randy and I love him and care for I want Rody to see me when he reflects on his time with his parents....
Overall, it was a great day! And we had a wonderful church service today. Our neighbors Bethany and Eric came with us and the Lord really worked in many ways today--the whole church was in a spirit of repentance---personal repentance and repenting on behalf of our country---Oh, Lord Jesus, be near!


V-n-J said...

You guys made out like bandits! thats awesome. Jerry and Oscar are special people and its great that you have them in your lives. I bet you learn so much from them.

Stacy said...

Cute Pic of Rodi asleep :).

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