Thursday, January 15, 2009

I don't remember...

What I used to do between the hours of 6-9pm!!! I was giving Rody a bath last always...around 8:15 thinking about this. Seriously, what did I do with that time?

These days, this time period is what I like to call "controlled chaos"...I am exhasuted by then from working all day...Randy is tired from working all night and taking care of our little one all day, and Rody is tired from a long day of playing...

We are strictly in survival mode at this point...playing on the floor, making/eating dinner, letting Rody crawl around, swiping his mouth out from whatever he has decided to put it in...etc

I am sure all you new moms know what I am talking this the hardest part of the day for you as well? Maybe it is a different time for the stay at home kind, but for us working outside the home kind, I believe this is the most difficult...


Stacy said...

Hi Katie...I feel your pain girl! :) I remember it like it was yesterday. I got pregnant with Morgan when Brogan was only 9 months old so I was pretty tired chasing Brogan around, being pregnant and still teaching full time - it does get easier though! And boy do they grow up FAST :) so enjoy every minute of it - I miss it big time when they were that age!

Katie said...

Survival mode is a good term. I am working on BALANCE right now. Laundry and keeping things organized around the house seem like overwhelming tasks at times. I always think that after the kitchen is cleaned up, after E is in bed, after Hunter is done with homework and in bed that I will get to those unfinished household tasks. No way...I have to sit and then sleep. Just remember it is a phase of life. Hands on parenting is worth all the exhaustion. Someday we'll have time to sit in our rockers and remember when...